Saturday, May 1, 2010

Project Progress Report

While my enthusiasm about my project has been ever-increasing, my progress unfortunately has not been so quick-paced. However, this weekend I am going to outline 20 recipes: 5 per season with each season having a breakfast item, an appetizer, a salad, an entree, and a dessert (all of which will have cooking instructions for synthetic and real animal products). I am also going to start writing the introduction for my cookbook, explaining the logic behind its format and the types of meals presented.

All of the recopies have to be finished by Mother's Day weekend when I'm going to surprise my family with my presence, and then try out the recipes! What better Mother's Day gift than a weekend of no cooking? Don't worry; I got her an actual gift (I got her two autographed books by her favorite authors at the LA Times Book Fair). I am such a good daughter. Hopefully I will be a similarly good cook.


  1. Wow! 20 recipes seems like a lot but that's great that you can come up with 20 ideas. Do you have any good ideas for more sustainable yet creative food ideas in the dorms? I'm always trying to think of interesting things to put together in the dining halls and would like to make my meals more sustainable.

  2. Hmmm yeah now that I've started putting them together I've realized that 20 may be kind of a lot haha... Originally I was going to write a bunch of recipes for just within the dorms, but you're really limited sustainability-wise by the lack of organic/local choices. But I like your idea and I think maybe I'll have little side columns on the recipes where I explain how to make the same/similar food item in the dining halls (when possible). Thanks for the suggestion!

  3. What a great idea to surprise your mom with food!

  4. Twenty recipes doesn't have to be a lot. Do you have your own recipes or family recipes? What I do a lot is start out with someone else's recipe and alter it a bunch or start looking over several similar recipes to get an idea of how some sort of dish is cooked, e.g. tomato based pasta sauce or bread.

  5. I'm doing a cookbook too, and I know how you're feeling. I'm stoked about the idea, but the more I think about everything I want to put in it, the more overwhelmed I feel. Good luck cooking! I'm excited to see the finished product.
